A Thanksgiving Message from our President & CEO

Happy Thanksgiving Faithful At Home Care Non Medical In Home Care

Dear Faithful At Home Care Employees and Customers,

Once again, it’s the time of the year when we gather around the table with our families and friends to pause and reflect on the things in our life that we are grateful for. This year I am thankful for the privilege to serve our clients as Faithful At Home Care’s President and Chief Executive Officer and to lead our dedicated and loyal team who exemplify their dedication and commitment to the people we serve with the actions they take in their service to others. We are adaptable, loyal, and able to think outside of the box regardless of the turbulent times that we are forced to navigate. I have never been prouder of our associates and their relentless commitment to always do the right thing for our clients. Once again, thank you.

As we look forward to the holidays and the new year, I stand firm in our commitment for Faithful At Home Care to continue to grow into the market leader to the residents of the mid-Atlantic region and beyond. We cannot achieve that vision without you – people committed to living and breathing our core values. You have the compassion and empathy needed to help the members of our community receive the quality care they need and deserve. Because of you, people are able to live their best lives regardless of the medical and psychological obstacles they face. Never underestimate your contribution to the success of Faithful At Home Care.

Dave Laha
President & CEO

Dave Laha is President and CEO at Faithful AT Home Care
Dave Laha is President and CEO at Faithful AT Home Care