Have you ever wondered how our services are coordinated between our caregivers, our clients, and their families? The Faithful at Home Care Scheduling Team is the gatekeeper for our agency, serving as the liaison between our agency, client, caregiver, and payer. They manage the flow of patient care, ensuring the quality service is provided and patient satisfaction is met. The services not only meet the immediate needs of the client but also enable the client’s family to go to work, care for their children and have time to regenerate themselves. Working with our caregivers, they provide peace of mind and confidence that their loved one is cared for, supported, and safe. Team members include:
Lancaster Office (717) 431-1211
- Karina Gonzalez – ext. 113
- Jailene Rosado – ext. 123
- Rutmary Gonzalez – ext. 125
- Gregory Picart – ext. 124
- Maribel Gonzalez – ext. 114
- Ithiel Irizarry – ext. 153
Mechanicsburg Office (717) 321-1281
- Kayla Bradshaw – ext. 213
- Rebecca Hawkes – ext. 221
Remember, we’ve installed a new phone system at our main office. Take the time to listen to the prompts in order to be connected to our scheduling team or to reach Human Resources or the Payroll department.
The scheduling team upholds the Faithful at Home Care Core Values by showing their dedication to our clients, working as a team with care coordinators and caregivers, and being adaptable to the unique needs of each client.